Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just Write

    My writing teacher’s watch word is also his first rule of writing; “just write.” Honestly, I now fully supports this idea. The whole reason I put up this blog is so that I could record and share my work. This blog will just be for fun because right now in my life writing is just for fun. But I still had this nagging feeling, somewhere in the back of my mind, that my first real post had to be something that I look back on, satisfied to say that this was my first real blog post.
    So I sat, rocking back and forth in my favorite purple rocking chair, and thought and waited for inspiration to strike in the form of an idea, a first sentence, worth its weight in gold. I shot down almost all of my own ideas, quickly declaring them not worthy, not good enough. My paper stayed as white as a polar bear in as snow storm and as blank as my mind.
    That’s when the doubt set in. What if I just couldn’t think of anything good enough because I wasn’t good enough? Maybe setting up this blog was actually a stupid idea. “What ifs” floated in my head, clouding the true vision that leads to all the best writing. I even tried doing my first draft on the computer (a habit I never want to make) but the pitiful spotlessness of the screen scared me further.
    Finally, a friend of mine called “Crystal” set me straight. “you can’t just put up the good,” she said. “The good is what comes out of the bad.” So the next day I followed the first rule of writing, back in my purple chair, and I wrote about anything and everything. I pondered Crystals words and took them to heart. Soon, I was pushed into that magical zone all writers can tell you about and I decided to write this piece. My good writing will come out of my bad like a rainbow from a rainy sky, and the only way to catch it is to write everything. Every idea can become something beautiful. So I will do my best to give everything a chance and fill this blog to the brim with half grown and rough ideas so that maybe I will stumble upon something striking. But for now, this will have to do.

                                                                             -astrid lightly

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Welcome to my blog! Yes, a much over used beggining, but sometimes you have to stick with the classics. My name is (or my screen name) is Astrid Lightly and this is my new place to express myself with all the words I can muster. Enjoy!